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some unexpected visitors

Even though we're just 12 miles west of midtown Manhattan, even though we're in a very progressive, cosmopolitan town, this is not the city.

This morning, a reminder of that.

Dan was downstairs. "Come quick! Come see!"

I went. Damian followed. This is what we saw:


A closer view:


To make things more interesting, a neighbor cat came waltzing along. Stopped, ears pricked. Started up the hill, stalking the big birds:


I don't know what he was thinking, that cat. He got his comeuppance fast:


Pretty funny.

Wild turkeys. In our front yard. Sure beats irritable Russian babushkas.


Hee! Wild turkeys chasing a black cat! It's like some kind of clash of the fall holiday symbols!

Awesome pictures -- way to snap fast! I love the cat stalking the birds and then them turning on him.

I bet it's beautiful and green in NJ right now. Hope you guys didn't get flooded out last week. As for your former stomping grounds, there was torrential hail in Pasadena yesterday!